We had been in Shanghai for a whole week. I usually wake up around 430AM due to the time change. Haven’t been able to sleep in until Saturday morning, our 8th day here. I slept in until 630AM. Success. First thing I do is grab my cell phone, then check my messages on wechat. I got a message from my brother. “Please call me asap”. Shit I thought. Something happened. He NEVER tells me to call him ASAP. Then I heard it. “Lolo passed away”. Lolo is my dad. Lolo is my boys’ grandfather whom they both adore. Lolo passed away on HIS father’s birthday. Lolo means grandfather in Tagalog. And I’m all the way here in China. Shit. I’ve only been here for 8 days. How do I travel ALL the way back to the US with two boys. They JUST got adjusted to the time change. We JUST got here 8 days ago. Shit. He JUST turned 70. I saw him the weekend before we went to China. He is supposed to be taking care of my cat. Shit. He JUST passed away. How is my mom? How did this happen? How can I help from here? Do I leave today or tomorrow? Shit. I’m 24 hours away by plane. The kids have this week off from school. I can leave ASAP and come back before the kids start school again. Really? He died? And now the tears are flowing.
Then my husband informed me that we have a one time entry to China for the first 30 days in order to obtain residency. Do they have an exception for family deaths? No. Really!!? While in the process of going to China, the invitation letter (from China) had one of the boys passport number wrong. I thought. Hey. They can just amend it right? Absolutely not. Had to send back the original and reapply for the invitation letter. The incorrect passport number cost us a 3 week delay to moving to Shanghai. If they couldn’t amend an invitation letter, how the hell can I even go back home? I’d have to reapply for a different visa when I got back to the states. But would they grant it? Could I reenter China before 30 days? Should I take the boys? They already started school 5 weeks late. Could I let them miss another 3 weeks? Then we couldn’t get our residency until I got back. So we’d have to reapply and start the long process. What If I leave the kids behind? Could my husband take care of everything? I have no one in China to help out. Shit. Gosh!!! I can’t even make my father’s funeral. Really? This sucks. I can’t even be there for my mom. Which sucks even more.

This was my 8th day in Shanghai. Very painful. Very emotional.
Thank you to all that supported me through this. You know who you are.
Sending hugs and love to you during this hard time….. Your dad will now be your guardian angel watching over you and the boys as you live in Shanghai. ❤️❤️❤️
I know exactly what you are going through… It happened to me years ago when my mother passed away. It is so painful…so emotional… It is frustrating when we could do nothing. It is painful when we are not able to go abroad… It is like things flies from our hands and we couldn’t get it when we want. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. May God peace and love be with you and your family. Hugs and kisses. Mima
luckily you have awesome sisters in law who make sure that your brothers keep it together and get it done
Missed you here
Don’t worry about Lola, she’s in good hands
Finally, read your awesome blog and love it. My deepest sympathy to you + your family. Miss you mucho:(
I really believe life is just a journey where we are not the drivers anyway, so embrace it all — good, bad, + wonderful!!
We only know our inner strength in spirit and faith when it’s tested!!
Chin up, mi amiga! Keep wriiting….