Bali take Two!

We were originally going to travel to Tibet and Chengdu for Qing Ming holiday. We even bought plane tickets, booked the hotels and the tour guides!  But we ended up cancelling our trip because we realized we didn’t want to put our kids in such a high elevation (approximate 12-15,000 feet) for more than a…

Shanghai Disneyland

I thought I wasn’t going to have anything to report the month of May.  But I got my hands on the trial period tickets (BEFORE the grand opening on June 16, 2016) from a friend since her husband worked for a company that helped out Disneyland.  This friend was from the school I taught English at.  The English was…

Six month progress report

I can’t believe we’ve been here for 6 months.  Time flies when you’re having fun and keeping busy.  This is what I’ve been up to for the past 6 months – give or take. I have been… exploring, learning how to cook different cuisines, learning Chinese, cooking, scoping out where to buy ingredients for my Western…